Wednesday, June 5, 2013

who am I and why a blog?

Hello all,
My name is Courtney and I decided to start this blog for several different reasons. To begin, though, I thought I would tell you a little bit about myself first. I am a recent San Diego State College Graduate with my Bachelor's in Recreation Administration. I'm a small town girl who moved to the city after two years of junior college in my home town. I love the outdoors and I love adventures and I thought it was about time for a new one and that's why I decided on San Diego State. It would be a beautiful place for a new adventure, great weather and somewhere where I could hopefully dive more into of my Hispanic roots.

Easter day in April of 2012 I decided I was going to go to a new Church called The Rock, in San Diego. Without knowing it this was the day my life was going to completely change. I was so captured that day that I decided I was going to give my life to Christ entirely and pour every ounce of me into building a relationship with HIM. From that day forward my life has never been the same, it like black and white, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I still have PLENTY of struggles in my life, don't be fooled it didn't become perfect. What I have found,however, is that walking with Christ I have never had to endure anything alone and the assurance that He will never forsake me and only has plans to see my prosper is such a reliever when going through anything. Burdens haven't become far and few between but they have become bearable to get through and great lessons have been learned to make life so much better. Christ is my true Savior and King and I wouldn't have it any other way. He has shown me such great love, that to serve HIM for a life time is not only my way of saying thank you but such a blessing, as well. It leads me to fall more and more in love with HIM each day, which then encourages me even more so to live as much as possible for HIS sake. I love HIM and am able to because HE showed  me GREAT love first (and continues to day in and day out no matter what the circumstances may be.)

Within the amount of time of a single year my life as done a complete 180. I no longer live to gain the acceptance of other people, trying to achieve success for myself, and trying to find out what life is all about. Instead now I live for the Son of man who breathes life into me. Everyday is quite a blessing with new wisdom and love always being poured into me the more I ask for it and truly seek HIS face. Now instead of seeking to live a life solely that benefits me I seek to live a life where I can pour into others and aid them in whatever they may be going through.

 As I entered my final year in college it wasn't till close to the end of it when I discovered what I was going to do after I graduated. During the School year I had joined some students on campus in the decision that God was calling us to pioneer a group called Destino on SDSU's campus. Destino is a culturally Latino center for Christ and falls under the organization called Cru or Campus Crusade fro Christ. Cru is a globally known organization that started on the campus of UCLA in 1951. From there God has expanded it to reach all over HIS beautifully created world. Destino, is a baby when compared to Cru, although it is growing rather fast by the grace of God. Destino was created specifically for the Latino community because it was seen that students of this culture needed a place and organization that they would be understood and be able to aid them in their specific needs spiritually and also in life in general.

With God, Destino, and a passion to pour into others all capturing my heart it made perfect sense when God opened the door and placed the desire on my heart to join Cru by becoming an intern for the Destino team. I am proud, blessed and excited to announce that I will be joining the Long Beach and Fullerton University campuses to impact the lives of the students for Christ. When there, it will be my full time job to do outreaches on campus to reach the students, join the team in bible studies and weekly meetings, pour into the students through mentorships and discipleships, and travel with them to conferences and retreats. I am so excited to see the students grow and blossom as they are molded more and more into who God created them to be! It's such a beautiful sight and I so excited I get the opportunity to be a part of it!

As I begin to prepare for this next journey in my life I embark now on a new task called MPD or ministry partnership development. What that means is I am working to prepare a team of partners who would like to join me in this opportunity to impact the lives of others. (This team however doesn't have to uproot their lives and move to Long Beach with me.) This team is filled with those who want to be involved by being faithful financial givers and prayer warriors. The reason for financial partnerships is because Cru has no central funds for paying salaries and ministry expenses. Like many other mission organizations Cru depends upon the consistent financial support of concerned individuals and churches. This contributors are used to fund the ministries of our staff members. As a partner, not being in Long Beach, however, doesn't mean they won't get to see or reap the benefits of their faithfulness. Our God is a mighty God and I know He has great plans and blessings for ALL those who take this step of faith with Him. As well as, I will be committing myself to being a diligent worker to impact the lives of those on the campus so that in the monthly newsletter I send out my partners will get to live out all the blessings God is doing on those campuses, through it. This is truly a great partnership in that so many lives will get to be impacted because of those who chose to financially and prayfully partner.  As, this new adventure draws near I can't wait to see what God as in store for me,those who will be joining me through partnership, the staff already in place, and all the students who will be walking on those campuses.

This is the reason I have started this blog: God has done and continues to do great things in my life. He doesn't just do them in my life, though, He does that to all who choose to follow HIM. I hope that the stories and revelations He takes me through can inspire others to start their walk/relationship with Jesus and/or continue their walk with HIM.

In what ever you do I pray that He is the light to your steps and you find great joy and consoling in following HIM. And I am always here to answer prayer request or questions.

If you felt the tug on your heart after reading this to join my team in raising up Latino leaders for Christ and/or would like to know more please don't hesitate to email me at

If you feel lead to start giving now you can go to and inter my staff account number : 0741519

Praying wisdom, blessings and Guidance for you all.